Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Learn about GMO's!!

I mentioned in our profile that we try to stay away from GMO's if possible. Why you ask? Well here is a link that I think will explain why. Please take the time to read it and explore the website.


I hope you find this helpful.


Sunday, June 23, 2013

Going for a walk

One of our mama hens taking her chicks for a walk around the yard for the first time.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Our first chicks

We have recently had 13 chicks to hatch for the first time from our Buff Orpington flock, which have all been spoken for. :-)

Our hens and roosters

Here are a few pictures of our Hens and rooster.
When they were babies.

When they got bigger. Maran Cuckoo and Rhode Island Red.

Buff Orpington and Rhode Island Red.

Buff Orpington rooster and hen. These are what we have the most of.

And the eggs of course!